First Impressions of FIFA 14 and the Playstation 4 – Rambolic Reviews

(EDIT) This was originally posted on another blog I used to run. Original post date – 24/01/2014

DISCLAIMER: This is based on a single play session with a couple of friends. This was also my first full experience with the Playstation 4. Furthermore, I play primarily on my Xbox 360 to this date, so some issues may be due to unfamiliarity. So chill, yeah?

  1. I suck at FIFA. It doesn’t really matter what console its on or what iteration it is, I’m just not very good.
  2. The graphics are a vast improvement on the Xbox 360 edition and it all looks a lot more fluid.
  3. The Playstation 4 controller rivals the 360 controller for comfort in the hand, maybe even surpassing it when you get used to it.
  4. The large touch pad on the front of the controller should NOT be considered the ‘Select’ button, especially when the Select button plays a key part in playing the game if it is accidentally pressed.
  5. In FIFA, the select button changes you to ‘Play as your goalkeeper’ mode, or as I ended up calling it, ‘There you go mate, free goal for you’ mode. This happened three times.
  6. For a button masher, there are a lot of buttons in the middle of the controller which just stops the flow of the game, but this would probably not be an issue for someone who doesn’t suck
  7. The referees in this game HATE me and my strikers. In my play time I must have had 4 players sent off for what I saw as glitches (a player sliding, the opponent standing on the sliding player and going down without the ball, causing the game to think it is a foul) and offsides being given for borderline decisions. I refer you to point 6 for the other side of this argument.
  8. Chipped through balls are still over used in this game and far too effective and splitting a defense, to the stage where I started actuallyWINNING games…
  9. It’s too hard to break people’s legs in this game. There’s nothing more satisfying than being 2-0 down and destroying their best player in a completely unfair and dangerous fashion, so why am I not allowed to do it?
  10. With the increase in graphics, great goals look even more impressive. The smoothness of players movements make it look much more like highlights from Match of the Day.
  11. I suck at FIFA, but the game does not suck, and the console will breed some incredible games if you can get this good a FIFA game out of it.

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