The Attitude Era Podcast: It’s the Attitude Era, but not as you know it – Rambolic Recommendations!

As mentioned in my previous recommendation of OSW Review , I was a lapsed wrestling fan until fairly recently, with the majority of my viewing time spent during the late 90’s and early 2000’s. Like a lot of fans of this time period, I felt that what would come to be known as the Attitude EraContinue reading “The Attitude Era Podcast: It’s the Attitude Era, but not as you know it – Rambolic Recommendations!”

OSW Review: The Reason I’m Still a Wrestling Fan – Rambolic Recommendations!

I’ve been a wrestling fan since around 1998, where a lot of the people I knew at least started watching the WWF’s product. And, like many of those people, my interest began to wane around 2002 or 2003. I’m not sure if it was just because I got a bit older by that point, orContinue reading “OSW Review: The Reason I’m Still a Wrestling Fan – Rambolic Recommendations!”