First Impressions of South Park: The Stick of Truth – Rambolic Reviews

(EDIT) This was originally posted on another blog I used to run. Original post date – 11/03/2014 DISCLAIMER: This is based on a single play-through of the of the game as the warrior class by a man who hasn’t watched South Park in quite a while. There WILL be very sizable spoilers to the mainContinue reading “First Impressions of South Park: The Stick of Truth – Rambolic Reviews”

First Impressions of FIFA 14 and the Playstation 4 – Rambolic Reviews

(EDIT) This was originally posted on another blog I used to run. Original post date – 24/01/2014 DISCLAIMER: This is based on a single play session with a couple of friends. This was also my first full experience with the Playstation 4. Furthermore, I play primarily on my Xbox 360 to this date, so someContinue reading “First Impressions of FIFA 14 and the Playstation 4 – Rambolic Reviews”

First Impressions of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Playable Demo – Rambolic Reviews

(EDIT) This was originally posted on another blog I used to run. Original post date – 23/01/2014 DISCLAIMER: Comments made are based on one play through of the demo itself and my own personal biases towards certain parts of the Final Fantasy Universe. Any jabs made at the series a purely my opinion or satirical…mostly.Continue reading “First Impressions of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Playable Demo – Rambolic Reviews”

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (PS1) – Rambolic Reviews

(EDIT) This was originally posted on another blog I used to run. Original post date – 22/03/2013 Ever since my review of Mickey’s Wild Adventure, I have been intrigued to see what else my Playstation 1 Nostalgia filled mind has lied to me about in the early days of my gaming life. As we allContinue reading “Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (PS1) – Rambolic Reviews”

Mickey’s Wild Adventure (PS1) – Rambolic Reviews

(EDIT) This was originally posted on another blog I used to run. Original post date – 10/02/2013 Another video game review on the internet? Perish the thought! While I do admit the internet is, at best, saturated with game reviewers, especially those of a Nostalgic ilk, I feel that there are certain problems with someContinue reading “Mickey’s Wild Adventure (PS1) – Rambolic Reviews”