The Attitude Era Podcast: It’s the Attitude Era, but not as you know it – Rambolic Recommendations!

As mentioned in my previous recommendation of OSW Review , I was a lapsed wrestling fan until fairly recently, with the majority of my viewing time spent during the late 90’s and early 2000’s. Like a lot of fans of this time period, I felt that what would come to be known as the Attitude EraContinue reading “The Attitude Era Podcast: It’s the Attitude Era, but not as you know it – Rambolic Recommendations!”

WWE Fastlane 2015 Review – Rambolic Rumble!

So, WWE Fastlane has now come and gone and, well, not much seems to have changed really…In all honesty, it seemed a lot more like an extended version of Raw than a marquee Pay-Per-View. The WWE got rid of Elimination Chamber to put on Fastlane, for what I can only assume is monetary reasons –Continue reading “WWE Fastlane 2015 Review – Rambolic Rumble!”

(VERY Late) Royal Rumble 2015 Review – Rambolic Rumble!

With WWE Fast Lane tomorrow, I feel I should give my opinion on the event that got up to this point, the 2015 Royal Rumble. As a filler pay-per-view between the Rumble and Wrestlemania, a lot of the rivalries that started at the former will conclude in the latter, making Fast Lane the event where,Continue reading “(VERY Late) Royal Rumble 2015 Review – Rambolic Rumble!”