Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (PS1) – Rambolic Reviews

(EDIT) This was originally posted on another blog I used to run. Original post date – 22/03/2013 Ever since my review of Mickey’s Wild Adventure, I have been intrigued to see what else my Playstation 1 Nostalgia filled mind has lied to me about in the early days of my gaming life. As we allContinue reading “Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (PS1) – Rambolic Reviews”

Mickey’s Wild Adventure (PS1) – Rambolic Reviews

(EDIT) This was originally posted on another blog I used to run. Original post date – 10/02/2013 Another video game review on the internet? Perish the thought! While I do admit the internet is, at best, saturated with game reviewers, especially those of a Nostalgic ilk, I feel that there are certain problems with someContinue reading “Mickey’s Wild Adventure (PS1) – Rambolic Reviews”