The Attitude Era Podcast: It’s the Attitude Era, but not as you know it – Rambolic Recommendations!

As mentioned in my previous recommendation of OSW Review , I was a lapsed wrestling fan until fairly recently, with the majority of my viewing time spent during the late 90’s and early 2000’s. Like a lot of fans of this time period, I felt that what would come to be known as the Attitude EraContinue reading “The Attitude Era Podcast: It’s the Attitude Era, but not as you know it – Rambolic Recommendations!”

Wrestlemania 33 Predictions & Challenge – Rambolic Rumble!

It’s that time of year again, and we’re less than a day away from Wrestlemania 33, emanating from Orlando, Florida. Now it’s so close, the real questions can start being answered, like why Wrestlemania is “The Ultmate Thrill Ride”. With the build and matches presented for us here, the “Thrill Ride” we’ll be taken onContinue reading “Wrestlemania 33 Predictions & Challenge – Rambolic Rumble!”

WWE United Kingdom Championship Tournament Review – Rambolic Rumble!

After two days of hard hitting, high flying action emanating from Blackpool, WWE have crowned their first ever United Kingdom Champion, and what a two days it has been. For British Wrestling fans, the convenience of not having to stay up until the ungodly hours of the morning to watch live wrestling was a greatContinue reading “WWE United Kingdom Championship Tournament Review – Rambolic Rumble!”

My Choices for the next Intercontinental Champion – Rambolic Rumble!

With the recent news of Daniel Bryan’s unfortunate health concerns and subsequent dropping of the Intercontinental Belt, a lot of speculation is now surround who the next champion should be. The WWE will be in a difficult situation, as it was clear that Bryan was made champion because his popularity and talent would elevate theContinue reading “My Choices for the next Intercontinental Champion – Rambolic Rumble!”

Thank You, Daniel Bryan. The Yes Movement will be remembered Forever – Rambolic Rumble!

Recently, I have been working on an article for this blog concerning the issues raised by the departure of CM Punk all those years ago and how his specter is still haunting the WWE until this day. One of my thoughts on the subject was that most of the fans who picketed for the Return ofContinue reading “Thank You, Daniel Bryan. The Yes Movement will be remembered Forever – Rambolic Rumble!”

WWE Fastlane 2015 Review – Rambolic Rumble!

So, WWE Fastlane has now come and gone and, well, not much seems to have changed really…In all honesty, it seemed a lot more like an extended version of Raw than a marquee Pay-Per-View. The WWE got rid of Elimination Chamber to put on Fastlane, for what I can only assume is monetary reasons –Continue reading “WWE Fastlane 2015 Review – Rambolic Rumble!”

(VERY Late) Royal Rumble 2015 Review – Rambolic Rumble!

With WWE Fast Lane tomorrow, I feel I should give my opinion on the event that got up to this point, the 2015 Royal Rumble. As a filler pay-per-view between the Rumble and Wrestlemania, a lot of the rivalries that started at the former will conclude in the latter, making Fast Lane the event where,Continue reading “(VERY Late) Royal Rumble 2015 Review – Rambolic Rumble!”